(this is for the 930518 wampes release) SVR4 port notes for WAMPES (David W. Vrona dave@hp1.holl.com 5/23/93) Make sure you do all of your work in the /tcp directory. I used gcc 2.3.3 and gnumake 3.63 for the compile. A line like gnumake -k 2>&1 |tee make.out (for ksh) is useful for doing the compile. I have provided all of the files that needed to be modified for the code to compile on my Dell SVR4 v2.2 system. Do a tar tvf svr4.tar before you untar the files. Rename the files that the svr4.tar will overwrite. Before you start the compile, read the doc/intro.txt file from Olaf Erb. It is extremely helpful. Also, you must modify src/global.h and src/login.c to reflect your site. Before you start the compile, run as on setsp.s in the src directory, i.e. "as setsp.s". This will create an setsp.o file. This is because I could not compile the distributed setsp.c file. You must modify util/genupd to reflect your site. Please send any and all info you discover about WAMPES, my fixes, etc. to dave@hp1.holl.com 73 de n9qnz